Hot and Cold

     The sun swung low on the horizon, a doomsday harbinger careening toward the Gulf of Mexico. From the parking lot, I could see it rend the sky asunder in a mystical gash of reds, purples, and blues—Heaven’s viscera.     We walked quickly. The air was chilled. Neither of us had expected it to be so un-warm inContinue reading “Hot and Cold”


I loved the parts we played.I loved the scenes we shared.I loved the narrative. Its perfect blend of romance and comedy tinged with poignant dramatic elements and subtle, organic character development.I loved the themes of souls redeemed and the beneficent hand of fate.I loved the locales and the supporting cast.I loved the pageantry.I loved itContinue reading “Popcorn”

Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls…

     “Are you ready to go yet?” she asked in a manner which was one-tenth impatience and nine-tenths jest.     “Yeah, I’m ready,” he replied in a low monotone, tinted with sadness. She did not seem to notice the despair hidden so furtively in his voice.     “Alright then, let’s go. C’mon! Hurry up.” This said, she flicked off allContinue reading “Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls…”

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