
It was only then I realized

as the barbed wire loosed from my heart
as the swarm of hornets lifted from my mind

that I was different.

It was only for an instant, but I breathed.

I looked around and through eyes untinged with blood and fire.

My lungs drank deeply. In that singular inhalation I felt power.

I felt peace.

Would that I could
have but held that breath for eternity

seen that sky
felt that nascent sensation—neither
numbness nor agony—for eternity.

But, already the exhalation had begun.

And the red began to pour down.
The barbed wire tightened, rusting.
The hornets descended, screaming.

As I lie curled and quivering on the ground,
I knew.
I knew that there were no lies in their laughter.
I knew that there was no strength in their smiles.

I knew how it was they could live the lives they live.

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